So. Summer is on its way out, and I have updated this blog even less than I did during the year. Which isn’t good, considering that a lot of what I spent my summer doing was…well, reading. As you’ll see in a moment, most of this reading was extremely ‘extra-curricular’. There are probably deep-seated emotional reasons for my not continuing to do little web write-ups of my reading habits—chief among them the realization that the things that I have to say about books, if they’re even marginally accurate, are almost exactly the same things that most rational reviewers might say—but today, as I moped around the apartment, I did what all sad schlubs do when they’re sitting around with too much to do and too little hope: I Googled my name. Lo and Behold! Right after my and facebook profiles, up pops this website. Hence, as a last-ditch effort to control my public persona (but obviously not that much, given this intro), I provide you, the reading public, with a list of selections from my non-internet summer reading, completely lacking any annotations.
Please judge me lightly. If a selection here seems unusually shitty or repugnant (i.e., The Turner Diaries, which is just as shitty and repugnant as you’ve heard, if you’ve heard of it), chalk that up to me doing unassigned research. Like a real-life critic, I’ve put an asterisk by the titles I’d especially recommend. In no particular order…
The Omnivore’s Dilemma: A Natural History of Four Meals, by Michael Pollan
*Slaughterhouse: The Shocking Story of Greed, Neglect, and Inhumane Treatment Inside the U.S. Meat Industry, by Gail A Eisnitz
Stuffed and Starved, by Raj Patel
American Terrorist: Timothy McVeigh and the Oklahoma City Bombing, by Lou Michel & Dan Herbeck
The Turner Diaries, by Andrew Macdonald
Gun Show Nation: Gun Culture and American Democracy, by Joan Burbick
McTeague, by Frank Norris
*The Lathe of Heaven, by Ursula K. LeGuin
*Glamorama and Imperial Bedrooms, by Bret Easton Ellis
Horns, by Joe Hill
The Big Sleep, by Raymond Chandler
The Moronic Inferno and Other Visits to America, by Martin Amis
*Eating the Dinosaur, by Chuck Klosterman
Consciousness and the Novel, by David Lodge
The Prisoner of Sex, by Norman Mailer
Sexual Personae, by Camille Paglia
Methland: The Death and Life of an American Small Town, by Nick Reding
Is this all? I’m not sure. Without launching into a 20,000 word post, it’s hard to say much about the whole. Some were great, some (see: Mailer, Norman) pretty terrible. It’s worth mentioning that this was the summer that I finally caught up with some of the great TV of our modern age, and I can say with little embarassment that I enjoyed making my way through The Wire and Breaking Bad more than anything else on this list.